HEM-ARM and GG Division

We are pleased with HEM-ARM and GG Division for its accomplishments this calendar year 2020. This report highlights the major accomplishments, findings, solutions, and contribution to timely achievement of the HEM-Microfinance Domain. HEM-ARM and GG Division was established in the year 2015 with the view to improve the program quality through transparency, accountability, democratic decision-making process and by ensuring the participation of staff and groups in bottom-up planning approach. Since the establishment of the HEM-ARM and GG, the Division is able to greatly contribute and play vital role to significantly reduced anomalies, embezzlement and misappropriation of financial dealings and exposure to practicing good governance in HEM Microfinance program of the organization. According to the findings of the monitoring and audit compliance reports, HEM-ARM and GG Division recommends rapid disciplinary administrative actions against any staff depending on the offense and negligence of performing duties. HEM-ARM and GG Division is also significantly contributing to ensure good utilization of program resources by ensuring transparency, accountability throughout the financial activities.