ICT & Environment Sector

Our Success

Since its establishment in 2015 TMSS ICT LTD has developed a number of software which are used by our clients. In addition, TMSS ICT is working on IoT, Al based software and conducts industrial attachments/internship for the computer science and technology students of the polytechnic institutes including programming Languages training.

TMSS ICT Limited is one of the social enterprises of TMSS. It is a leading IT company in Bangladesh having cutting edge solutions in ERP software, apps development, Web design and development, Programming, IT capacity building and Training including IT services and consultancies. Our mission is to provide to our clients state-of-the art technology and highest quality value products and services. The Operation of the company is managed by highly qualified technical and management staff under the supervision of the board of directors.


Reliable and secure ICT towards development and inclusive growth.


Support attainment of overall Socio-economic development and empowerment of women through use of ICT


Website design and
Data Centre and Networking
Capacity building Training and
Internship program
Mobile Based Surveys
integrating GPS, Project
Monitoring and Evaluation.
Banking IT training for
professional Bankers
Outsourcing services
Access to Finance for IT
